

“Corrected Transcript:

Okay, here’s a really quick case study. This is one of my sample sites, one of my own affiliate marketing sites. This is called The Owner’s Job. And it’s all about, well, let’s read the top right. So here we are in ChatGPT, and 4O. That’s not a zero, that’s Omni. Alright, so I am starting a blog named The Owner’s Job. It is all about the job of being an owner of a small business, online or offline included. It provides educational content on a full range of concerns of a small business owner, including growth strategies, marketing, HR, and personal productivity. And obviously, when you read that, you can see that the monetization opportunities are huge, which fits my three criteria, right? There’s a very big market, there are easy ways to monetize it, and there’s a huge amount of content around it. Plus, you can reach the market. You know, it’s not like Navy SEALs where they’re not allowed to be on social media.

Now, what I’m asking ChatGPT for is help with a logo. Now, I’ve done this a couple of times before and I’ll record those videos at some point, but this one just happened to be right now today, and so I thought I’d record it. And so I need a logo for the site. The space fill is 272 pixels wide and 90 pixels tall. Now, the way that sentence is, I believe, completely invisible to ChatGPT and DALL-E 3, I have never seen them actually abide by any sort of hinting about aspect ratio or size. It is fine if they don’t abide by the size, which they don’t, I mean, there are just thousands of pixels in each dimension. But there’s absolutely no adherence to aspect ratio ever. So I could just remove that. I would probably get the same result.

But okay, the logo should resonate with my hero or aspirational image of the successful and confident small business owner. I could have done a full avatar workup using a content agent and fed that in here. It might have worked better, might not have, it’s a little bit unclear as we scroll through this very brief chat history. You can reach your own conclusion here.

So there’s the first thing it did. Here’s the logo that followed. Any adjustments or additional… okay, fine. And actually, this is not bad. So a couple of things that occur to me upon first glance, it did square. Okay, fine, I can deal with square. This could be trimmed in various ways. I mean, you can imagine if I just took off “blog” here and did the rounded corner below it, right? Then we’d be not quite, but almost the right size. Just removing a little bit of white space, I could get it to very, very close to the right aspect ratio. The other thing is it actually spelled “owner” right, which is not normal. And we’ll see, admittedly, “job” isn’t spelled right. Okay, I can fix that. So I can fill in with black and then stitch in using an image editor. I could stitch in a little tiny “s” there and that would look right. So this is not bad, you know, is green the right color for primarily a male audience? It’s like, eh, okay, maybe, but I like that.

So it’s like, alright, well let’s see. You know, show me more. So this is very good because it is so good and it’s like, you know, buttering up a computer, I, you know, whatever, it’s just a literary device. “Please create two different variations for me to choose from.” Okay? So again, right aspect ratio, 100% completely ignored. And sure enough, “owners” does not have two “n”s. Again, it can be fixed. I can move stuff around here using an image editor and still make that work. This looks a little vague to me, whatever. And this stuff is just bizarre. It doesn’t really add to it. I’d rather actually take “job” or “blog” out of this first image and put it underneath that banner there, and then erase all that stuff. And oh, and guess what? It would be almost the right aspect ratio. There are a couple of things there just by mixing and matching, piecing together stuff, I could come up with something. So, alright, well, you know, maybe I could work with that.

Alright, then here, the third one. And so, well, this is kind of good too. Now again, “owner” does not have an “i” in the middle, but other than that, it’s easy to fix. And notice it actually left additional kerning here as if it knew there was supposed to be an apostrophe. It is The Owner’s Blog. Well actually, even then it’s like, where should the apostrophe go, before or after the “s”? I mean, that’s a whole other thing. And so, I mean, that’s a pretty good image. That’s not bad. This is kind of the best of the bunch.

But okay, now this is where it gets really funny, right? So these are all good. “I’d like to see a couple of modifications starting with the first image, change the green color to dark red.” Now, before I show you what it came up with, which is frankly kind of hilarious, bear in mind that asking ChatGPT for small changes almost never works. I was expecting this to fail miserably. Asking it for some big, consistent, coherent result, okay? Sometimes, eh, more often than not, you get something that you can use. When you ask it to do this and then change this one thing, it never works. I have never seen that work. Incremental modifications just don’t happen. And supposedly it has memory and then it takes your prompt and incorporates it with the memory and all that. Yeah, that’s, eh, we’ll just call that marketing hype. It doesn’t create outputs that suggest that’s true. Let me put it that way. It’s really hard to see where it would actually be doing that because sure enough, all I asked it to do was take this first image and change the green to red and I got something completely different. I mean, how in the hell is that the answer to my question? Although at the same time, huh, well, it’s actually kind of better.

So, you know, the things I noticed here are, well, it didn’t say “blog,” it said “job,” right? So The Owner’s Job is spelled correctly. It even figured out there’s supposed to be an apostrophe in there, which, okay, I don’t know why it waited so long to figure that out. Fair enough, whatever. I mean, it’s a good aspirational image. It’s got good stuff here now, but it produced three images in one, which is also kind of weird because it said here is the first logo. No, it’s not. It’s multiple variations on something completely different. “Green changed to dark red.” No, that’s not true. Only one of those changed to dark red and that’s the least. Yeah, that one, this one looks a little bit too evil. You know, this suggests by its coloration that business owners are devils, I guess. I don’t know. This is kind of good. I like that. I mean, green means money, fair point. But it doesn’t work in all situations because if you take all that green and turn it into transparent, right, laying it on top of some other part of your website, you’re going to have issues like blending things together. And in particular, in the tagDiv theme, we have the logo both at the top and at the bottom. And at the bottom, it’s inside a black stripe. And so we’d have to do something specific about this in all cases right here. What we’ve got, we’ve got the rounded corner, which I really like, but of course, it cuts off here. So there still has to be a little bit of tweaking this in order to get this to look correct because as we click that, you know, it’s not one image, it’s three images chunked together.

So the two things I take away from this, one I knew in advance, which is you can’t ask for small changes. Don’t ask for small changes. You might as well just rewrite the whole prompt and start over because it’s going to start over. But the other thing, it did a reasonably decent job. I mean, I could actually have just gone with this one. I would clean up a couple of things, right? I would cut the “blog” part off. I would wipe that out and write in an “s.” I’m not particularly happy with the arrow coming out of his head. I’d rather it came out of his business, but, eh, okay. I can accept that. This one, eh, alright. Again, have to change the spelling there to fix that. Chop off the stuff at the bottom. This one, again, you could leave “blog” there as long as you chopped off the stuff below it. Remove the “i,” which is really easy. Just move all that text over on top of that place and just put in a little tiny piece of white there, that would work. On this one, I honestly think this is the one I’m going to go with. I think this one is the best. This one’s a non-starter. The whole red and black Halloween devil thing, that’s not going to do it for me. This one could work. If you look closely, you’ll find out that the star is coherent here, but in this image and in the one next to it, the star is not actually coherent. So you have to fix that. It’s a fiddly little thing, but compared to what you’d have to do to start from scratch, oh, holy hell, this is fantastic.

So, I don’t know, I’m going to finish this up. One of these things is going to go live, but I just wanted to show you how relatively easily you can take an avatar and for the next one that I’m going to do, I’ll do the full-fledged avatar that came out of a content agent, and we’ll dump that in there to see if it does any better or worse or the same. I bet it’s the same, but anyway, we’ll see how it goes. But this is one of the things you have to do, like, okay, I’ve got to come up with a graphic for my website. Well, you know, don’t start with a blank page in Photoshop or whatever, and I’ll show you how I clean this particular thing up with a really low-end app, not Photoshop, because I refuse to learn that much. And so, but anyway, just a path along the process of building a website. Okay?”