“Since the primary purpose of ResolveFlow is content marketing automation, one of the things that you definitely have to have is a blogging framework of some sort, a blogging platform in order to post content to, so that you can then promote it. And so clearly the best blogging framework today is WordPress, which controls something like 43% of the internet. Where we will find our ability to connect to that is over on credentials. And we already showed this before in a prior video. And so here are the credentials that are standard. These are the big four. And, blog, obviously given the symbol that refers to a WordPress blog. We have other kinds of blogs. I mean, Tumblr and Blogger, for example, in the higher-level editions of ResolveFlow. But for everybody that starts out, WordPress is the one to start with. Alright, so let’s go look at that. So the red bang indicates it’s not set up yet, okay? And so if we hit the edit button, now we get the screen that has a couple of different options on it. So first of all, it has a name, okay? And that doesn’t really matter. That’s only for your use internally. And then we have two tabs, “My Hosting” and “Host it for me.” Now “My Hosting” means you, alright? So if you want to bring your hosting, you can certainly do that. If you have an existing WordPress blog, we can talk to it using XML-RPC. That’s the standard protocol. There’s a bunch of content about that because there are situations where your blog host may be blocking XML-RPC. We have workarounds for that. It’s not a problem if it doesn’t work right out of the box. We have a plan for that. However, if you don’t have a blog, or actually if you don’t like your blog or whatever, I mean, there are various reasons why you might want to move. We have a “Host it for me” option. Now our hosting option is better than anybody else at a price lower than anybody else. Full stop. I can defend that at length, but right now I’m just going to say that boldly then we can come back to that if you want to later. So right here, I mean, “Test Blog” is just one we have just as a placeholder. And so yes, you could connect to it and post to it as an experiment. Don’t recommend you do that. You might as well actually just do a “Host it for me.” So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take all this placeholder stuff and we’re going to blow it away by hitting erase. And yes, “Test Blog,” you can probably realize it’s safe to blow that away. Now what I want to do is I want to go and hit “Host it for me.” Now again, I mean if you want to bring your own, fill it in right here, you can do whatever. It’s like, you know, whatever. But no, I don’t want to do that. Actually, I want to create a new InstaBlog for this project. There are many, many good reasons to do that. Not the least of which is we have very high-performance hosting and we also have a premium theme that we’ve spent a lot of money on for you to use. It’s highly optimized for content marketing. So let’s take a look at that. And so, when we get around to doing a vanity domain, you’re going to transfer your wonderful domain name.com over to here. We’ll get to that. But right now, let’s first create the blog. And that will not take long. And so here on “Host It for me,” that means you’re going to create an InstaBlog and just hit this button, create. And I’m going to let this run in real-time because it doesn’t take very long. I don’t think you’ll fall asleep in this amount of time. It takes generally about 45 seconds. So most of us are that willing to wait. And what we’re doing right now is we created a copy of our blog template from scratch and assigned it to this particular persona in your particular ResolveFlow, a copy of the ResolveFlow app. Now you’ll see there’s my login name, which is the login name for this app, and a completely invented password. We’ll talk about that later. And we also have the XML-RPC posting URL. You’ll notice that’s like a really weird name that’s in order to keep from the standard dictionary attacks against XML-RPC. And then this here, this made-up name, is there until you go in and fill in a vanity domain. So at the point in time that you are ready to actually get started on this, all you have to do is come back to this screen, fill in your vanity domain, and hit update again. And then suddenly our DNS will resolve and we’ll be serving it up. All you have to do is pay attention to the instructions to put this A record in your registrar. We have documentation about that actually exists at that help link. We’re not going to go into that right now. I just want to show you what’s happened here. And so when we just did an update, we hit close. Now you’ll notice that red bang is gone. That’s important. If it’s still there, then you might need to contact us. But in general, it’s going to be 99% gone. Okay, fine. So now let’s go back in here. There are two little doorways here. And so this doorway right here at the root URL will just lead us to the front page of your new blog. This one right here will automatically log you into admin. Well, let’s do this one first. And so as I push that button, a little doorway, it’s going to reach out and log into WordPress from ResolveFlow. And that’s what it looks like. Now, this is an admin account. You have all of the power that you would expect to have within WordPress. There is nothing really restricted except in a few cases we want to make sure that certain plugins are turned on and certain plugins are not. And that’s another story, a little bit deeper dive. Alright? But let’s go ahead and visit the site. And what you’re going to find here is the tagDiv Newspaper 12 theme that we’ve purchased and installed for you. And we’re going to talk more about this later in other documents about how you actually style this for your site. But in that amount of time, we spun that up for you, installed this theme, and put it on our hosting, which involves a huge number of optimizations in order to make it perform highly rapidly. And so I encourage you, unless you have some really special reason to do your own hosting, you should really host with us because it is the best available. And so that covers what we have to know, what we need to know in order to start up a new persona, which the first step is going to be we have to have a place to put content so that we then promote that content in later videos. We’re going to talk about the rest of these items here because those are how we actually get attention from the social sphere onto the content on the blog.”