“Corrected Transcript:
Okay. Each persona has a number of credentials associated with a venue. So, feeds come in, venues go out, and the credentials—permissioning for a venue—are stored in credentials because you may have, for a particular platform like Facebook or WordPress, more than one venue, the actual destinations on that platform, but the credentials will be the same. The credentials are separated out into their own tab, which you will find on the hamburger menu. Let’s talk about the Facebook channel. There are two variations of this. One is the organic venue, that is to say, non-promoted. You don’t pay for it; you’re just posting to your Facebook page. There’s also a Facebook Ads venue, which can be added with the “new” button. So, you can add the Facebook Ads venue. If you’re doing the promoted version of a workflow of a persona template, then that will already be there and hooked up to venues. In the current case, we’re looking at the organic version of the persona, and there are no promoted postings going on within this set of workflows.
In order to connect ResultFlow to any venue, there are one or two different ways to do that. Technically, three, I suppose, with a blog, those are just a username and password. With Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and nearly everything else on the planet, these are either going to be OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0. You don’t have to know that; our software knows which OAuth it is. And so, you just have to go through a step-by-step process for ResultFlow to go out to that other venue and ask for permission. That’s going to come to you in your browser, and you’re going to accept, or you can reject it, which is fine; you just can’t use ResultFlow.
So, in this particular case, you can see red bangs. That means that those are not authorized. And so, I’m going to press “Reauthorize” on the Facebook organic channel. Now, this is it. All it did was flash momentarily, and I’ll redo that so you can see what’s going on here, which indicated that I was already logged in. So let’s do that again, but this time I’m going to log out. And so, you’ll see the difference. And now that I’m out, we can find—here we are. And so now, when I reauthorize, it’s going to take me to a login screen. I’ll then log in, and it’ll do that. At this point, ResultFlow is connected to my Facebook account.
The only other thing that happens from there in ResultFlow will be configuration options. And so, with a Facebook page, you can have multiple pages, different business pages. I have at least half a dozen. And so, if you click the “Setup” button, you’ll be presented with a live list of those taken directly from my account. And let’s go ahead and select that one. And so now, “Developing Number One” is the Facebook page that I’ve selected. So, in my venues, that’ll be filled in automatically and that kind of thing.
Also, bear in mind, this little doorway icon here is a convenience for you. Whenever you’re in a persona and you want to go to Facebook, just click that, and it’ll take you directly to that Facebook page. And you’ll find that many of the social platforms like LinkedIn work exactly the same way. Facebook Ads credentials also work the same way. There’s some additional setup, but that covers the Facebook organic channel. Okay?”