setup twitter


“Corrected Transcript:
Okay. In our last episode, we dealt with the organic Facebook credential. The paid Facebook ads credential we’re going to put off until step eight. Now let’s talk about Twitter. It’s really simple. It looks a lot like Facebook because it uses OAuth, just like Facebook does. So, we’re going to click “Reauthorize.” I had signed out of Twitter previously, so it’s forcing me to sign in, of course. After authorizing the app, we come back, and the error is gone.

Now let’s go look at the venue associated with posting to Twitter, and we hit “Edit” on it just as we did with the other one. Sure enough, there’s a green check mark, and there are no options for Twitter because you’re posting to an account as opposed to a page like in Facebook or LinkedIn, as we’ll see next. So, Twitter is the easiest of these to set up. There’s nothing to do after authorizing the credential.”