“Corrected Transcript:
Once our Facebook Ads credential is set up, we can look at what campaigns and ad sets we’re going to post. For that, let’s take a look inside the Facebook interface, and we’ll go from our page to the Ads Manager. Here we’ll see that we don’t have any campaigns or ad sets created yet. Now, you could do it by hand, but that’s very tedious and error-prone. So instead, let’s use ResultFlow for that purpose. We’re going here to our Facebook Ads credential. We’re going to click setup. Now, we could have done this immediately upon authorizing it, but I didn’t because I wanted those compartmentalized into two videos. So here on the funnel, I’m going to select this funnel type. Now these are described elsewhere in the documentation, but this one, AET, is the most common one, the one that you would normally use. There would be special circumstances for the others, but this one is the one that you would most use.
Now, the other thing I want to do is also give these campaigns and ad sets that this process creates a prefix just to keep it clear when it actually creates them in Facebook. So I’m going to call it “Dev1″ because that’s my development. Number one is my self-improvement website. So I’m going to hit OK, and it’s going to go through a six or eight-step process to create all of the assets and configure them properly over in Facebook. Now, if there’s an error that returns from this, then it’s likely that something was not set up correctly. So go back into that document that I created showing how to go through the setup of your Facebook Ads account. But this worked fine; setup successfully completed. So I’m going to hit OK here and now let’s go look and see what ResultFlow did over in our account. And so come back over here and just refresh the page, and you’ll see that we’ve got several things put together.
So we have, first of all, three campaigns. And so this is our awareness campaign, our engagement campaign, and our traffic campaign. If we look in those, we find that there’s one ad set per campaign. So there’s the avatar awareness, the page engagement, and the pixel clicks. And these are our awareness campaign, our page campaign, and our traffic campaign. And of course, we also don’t have any ads yet, which would be weird if we did. So that’s what’s currently set up.
Now, there are a couple of things you still want to do in here, and we’ll get to that in a different video, but just bear in mind that this avatar, actually this one here, the awareness campaign, is set up to correspond to our avatar, or that is to say, our prospect targeting that we want. Page engagement and pixel clicks are fixed to audience types. Page engagement is just people who have been to your Facebook page, and pixel clicks are people who have been to your website, traffic to your website. Awareness is wide open because that one is for people who have not done either one of these. These are people that we’re targeting as the avatar, people who have never been to your page, never been to your website. So this obviously is going to be subject to who you actually want to talk to. You want to talk to only women in the United States, or talk to men everywhere, or you want to talk to both but only in Scotland. Those are decisions you can make, and you set that up within Facebook. We’ll cover that in another video, but right now, we have already set this up at this point, so this is ready to go. The next thing to do is to configure the venues to correspond to those different ad sets.”