Persona Venues Page


“One of the primary purposes of ResultFlow is to run marketing workflows automatically on your behalf. In order to do that, of course, it has to be authorized to access your different social and content marketing platforms. So, feeds come in, updates go out. Credentials are stored where permission is granted. And so, in this particular case with this simple persona, what we have is a blog, which you’ll notice by the icon is a WordPress blog. And then we have the Facebook channel, which as you can tell here from its name, hopefully, is the organic, non-promoted channel, so not Facebook ads, it’s a Facebook organic channel. Then we also have the same for LinkedIn and for Twitter. You’ll notice on the credentials page, depending on the edition you have, there will be other ones available to you, other credential types available. In this particular case, because you are on Solo, there are only the basic four, which includes, well, it’s four and a half I suppose, because it’s Facebook and Facebook Ads. Those credentials, you’ll notice the red exclamation mark next to each one of them that indicates that they’re not authorized. We’ll go through each one of those, how you actually authorize that credential. But when it’s marked like that with the red exclamation mark, that means that ResultFlow is not actually connected to that channel. And so you’ll have to take steps, which we will cover in each one of those, to connect ResultFlow to that channel so that we can automatically post for you.”