Persona Feeds


“Corrected Transcript:
Included with each persona will be one or more feed folders. These can be accessed from the hamburger menu by selecting “Feeds.” Feeds are where content comes into the result flow. In this particular case, there are two main feeds. One is a catch-all folder where you can simply copy things into. When we discuss the content agent, we will delve deeper into the use of feeds.

The other feed, which is actually the most important, is the “Amplify blog posts to social” feed. This feed drives the workflow process, which is represented by the Kanban board named “Amplify.” There is a workflow running on it, which we will discuss later. Additionally, as you edit this, you will find a place to input the URL of the feed from your blog that you wish to amplify. This should be the RSS feed from your WordPress blog, containing all the blog posts that you want to amplify to social media. You’ll set this up once you have built your blog.

There are other types of feeds that you can add as well. There are three different types: RSS, which is the most common, Feedbin, and Pinboard. These will be covered separately.”