“Corrected Transcript:
Okay, so here I have imported a new persona. I’ve named it “My New Biz.” You can name it whatever you want. And I’m going to go into that persona in case I’m not already. And now we’re going to do what I’m calling “Get Your Feet Wet.” We’re just going to do an end-to-end process with ResultFlow to show you how everything works, all the way from feeds to venues, and everything in between.
Let’s just start with the fact that we’ve got to have a blog because you can’t do content marketing without a blog. We happen to have a push-button way to do that. When I hit edit on the WordPress credential, there’s a test blog just as a placeholder here. I’m going to go ahead and erase that since we don’t need it. Then I’m going to click on “Host It for Me.” This is where we’re going to create a blog and host it for you for free as part of your ResultFlow subscription. Now I’m just going to click the create button. It’ll take maybe 30 seconds. It varies a little bit depending on server load. When it comes back, we close it to save the credentials and then open it again to take a look at it. Obviously, there’s no content on it and it’s not styled. You’re going to have to do all that. We get to that in step six.
Alright, so it came back and you don’t have to worry about any of that stuff right now. We’ll get to it later. When you hit close, you’ll notice that the red exclamation mark goes away. That indicates that the credential is actually valid. So let’s hit edit on that and we’ll go look at it. These two little doorways here, one gets to the front page and the other gets to admin. So we click the front page and this will bring up the blog. Now you can see, obviously, it’s pretty austere. There’s no content on it, but all the bones are here, all the structure is in place and we just have to put stuff in it.
Alright, let’s close that and we’ll show you how to get into the blog. You can log in with your credentials, or you could create your own admin credential. Whatever you want to do, you can do it. But here’s a pretty convenient way to jump in. When you’re in ResultFlow, you can just click that doorway and it’s going to automatically log you in as that admin user. So you can play in the blog, change plugins, etc.
Now, this is fully managed. You’ll notice that it is calling for updates right now. We do updates periodically based on when we think it’s safe to do and when it needs to be done. We also do backups every night, week, and month. So you really don’t have to worry too much about your blog. We’ve got a fully managed hosting environment that’s optimized for speed.
Let’s move to the next topic, which will be taking a look at a sample content plan. We’re going to create some content and see it posted to the blog. If we go into here and explore, you’ll find that there’s a file here named “Content Agent.” Content Agent is our content planning AI. You can look at that file. We might not want to edit it because you’ll probably just mess it up. But we go to the hamburger menu for the persona and go to Content Agent to log into Content Agent. We will talk about this more fully later, but I’m just going to log in right now and then we’re going to select “My New Biz.” What you’ll see is that the Content Agent file is loaded by the Content Agent and shows the topics applicable to the avatar and titles.
Now, what we’re going to do is pretend that you actually are doing this and have done this, right? This is a site that I have named “Beatles Outlet,” and this is the avatar for Beatles Outlet. The market is people interested in the music of The Beatles and their lives both as a band and after the breakup, as their concerns or goals, that kind of thing. And then this is the narrative that the AI wrote after taking this into account with the external factors. And so from there, you go through a process, as we’ll discuss, this was in step five, coming up with the topics that make sense for that avatar, developing titles from there. And then finally in this last step, we’re able to take those titles and stuff them in ResultFlow where we can create content for them. Now, I’m going to do only a very small number of them, just to demonstrate the process. And so I’m going to just take only The Beatles members. I’m going to put in Content Agent titles, and I’m going to hit submit and we’ll talk more fully later about how you would actually do this if you’re, you know, once you get to doing it for real.
Okay? So I’m going to close that out for the moment. Now we’re going to jump into feeds, which is where those titles went. So Content Agent titles, when we click this, now we see, well look at that. And you can mess around in the file folders all you want, but it’s easier to go up to the Kanban boards on the dashboard. And if you look into skyscraper creation, well here are those things we just brought in from Content Agent. Now these are just titles and we can edit those and we can see there’s nothing in it. The only thing it really does have, by the way, which is interesting later, is the WordPress category that it’ll post to once the content’s finished.
What I want to do here is I just want to see one article written. I just want to see one skyscraper. So I’m going to take one of these, whichever one you want, and just drag and drop it into the skyscraper column. Now, it doesn’t refresh automatically, but if you refresh, you’ll see that it got this little icon here indicating that it’s been submitted to the COD factory and it’s in work.
Alright, now this will take about 15 minutes to come back around just because of some timers that run. And so while we’re doing that, let’s pause right here and come back to this as soon as it’s done. In the meantime, I’m going to show you some other things about ResultFlow and what you can really expect to have as an experience with it. In particular, we’re going to talk about the COD and we’re also going to talk about the Insta Blog and some of the reasons that those are so game-changing for internet marketing in general, and content marketing in particular.”