“Corrected Transcript:
Okay, so in our last episode, we had just finished building our avatar for a self-development blog. Then I went ahead and saved and came back out. You wouldn’t have to do that; obviously, you can stay in there and do the entire piece. I just did that to give nice, clear demarcations between these videos. So let’s go back into the content engine again. We have to log in with our app name. Here we are. Oh, come on. Here we go. We select, and there’s our avatar. It occurs to me before we move on, there’s one thing about this. Oh, that’s interesting. That’s a bug, huh? It didn’t retain the country. Let’s see. Did everything else correct? Yes, it did. Huh. Okay. Well, that’s a bug. I’ll have to get that fixed.
Yeah, it’s interesting. I mean, the avatar is correct. Remember we said all English-speaking or something of that, and it occurred to me that that wouldn’t actually work very well because of the differences in what English sounds like and is spelled like in various places in the world. So in reality, I would want to pick one side of the pond. So I’m just going to do this. I mean, it’s not for this, it doesn’t really matter. But North America, or America. Good grief, there. Thank you. So if I just say North America, then I’ll do an update on the avatar, and we’re going to see the demographic section changes to reflect that. Let’s see, changes primarily based on native English speakers. Yeah. And so I’m going to keep an eye on that. Make sure, yes, it did keep. Okay, so now let’s move on to the next step, which would be topics.
Now, bear in mind, for the breadth of this topic, we could have six or seven topics, certainly. We could have maybe more than that. We could do less. There’s no perfect answer to that. I mean, 12 topics might be a little bit hard to manage. We could try it, but just in terms of the breadth of the subject matter, I’m not sure 12 would quite do it. But let’s try something along the middle. Like, let’s say seven different topics. And there’s another area where you probably can just do it over time, more than once until you finally get what you like. You can edit these, you can ignore a topic if you just say, “I don’t want that one.” Just never mind. There are several things you can do there just to see what works best for you.
Okay? So career advancement. Now the format of this is the field here is the long form of the topic, the actual topic name. And then this is a single word used to be used as the category name. So once these get generated and shipped over to ResultFlow, in order to feed into content on demand, this field rides along as the WordPress category. Obviously, you can change those before or after, but it’s entirely up to you. So career advancement, profession, financial literacy, personal development is called growth. Health and wellness is wellness, relationship building is relationships. That makes sense. Technology and innovation. Now, I don’t know why that’s staying up, you know, that’s weird to me. I don’t know that I would call that self-help. That’s a little bit strange, but leadership and management. Okay, well, leadership, obviously. Developing leadership philosophies, team motivation.
The only one I don’t necessarily like is technology and innovation. It’s just weird. I don’t really call that self-development. Now let’s try this now because the temperature is non-zero and temperature being an LLMA large language model parameter, let’s just do it over again and see what happens. I am not seeing my spinner. Is it actually working? Where that ends up is unfortunately not very UI friendly. We need to fix the location of that. Now we get the titles in our next step. You’ll see that this can run quite a while. For topics, it’s not a big deal, but for titles, it can take a while to actually generate them. So career advancement, financial mastery, personal effectiveness, productivity. Hmm. Alright, well maybe health and wellness, relationship building, leadership development. And we still have innovation in here. I don’t know. It is possible to take it out, but it’s tedious to do. So I think what I’m going to do here is I’m just going to leave it but ignore it.
So let’s see. Yeah. The next release, there’ll be easier ways to add and delete, put it that way. Okay. For right now, let’s keep it the way it is and I’m just going to ignore it. So what topics are cached? And now when we go to titles, and actually, you know what, let’s do this. Let’s change it to six and regenerate. Let’s see if it happens to drop innovation from the list because that one seems to be the black sheep, right? It doesn’t really quite make sense to me. Now we could go back and put innovation as a negative, right? That would probably control it. We could try that. Child literacy, health improvement, what is she building? It just wants to have technology in there. Wow. Okay. Well, let’s try it. Negatives: technology. That’s a twisted way to approach that, but I’m not sure what the overall impact of that would be, honestly. It might have negative consequences in terms of the kind of content that’s brought up. So we’ll have to take a look at that. But let’s see. Did it finish already? Yeah, it did. How did that end up coming in here? Let’s see what impact it had on developing topics. So generate topics and then we’ll move on because you can always ignore it and it must be on there. Oh, let’s see. Leadership development, financial career, personal growth. Well, it should be like, okay, well we got rid of technology. Let me see if it did anything weird in some of the other areas. Okay, well that looks actually quite good. So we did finesse it. As I said, in the next upcoming release, you’ll be able to delete entire topics. So by the time you’re seeing this, there may actually be a button to handle that instead of the little hack workaround that I just did.
Okay. So there, I’ve done keep. Now, I can do save, right? Because right now it’s just stored in the browser. And just to make sure I don’t lose anything, because I’ve done that before where I close the window and forget. So I’m going to go in and hit save, and then I’m just going to go right back in and we’ll pick up in the next video. So this one doesn’t get too long by doing titles for all those topics.”