“Corrected Transcript:
Okay. In getting your feet wet, I demonstrated end-to-end how to go from creating content to publishing a blog post. However, there’s an entire other half of the process flow, and that’s the promotion of your content. So, the promotion of your blog content onto social media, but we have to make sure that the process flow is connected to your blog in the correct way. So, there are two connections, right? First, we push content into your blog, but we also need to pull content out of your blog and put it on social media. For that, we just have one little detail that we have to put in place. And for that, we go to the “Feeds” item. So, hamburger menu in your personal dashboard. And we go to “Feeds,” and you’ll notice “Amplify Blog Posts” is social.
Now, you’ll also notice content agent titles, right? That’s where content goes in. We can also do curated sources. That’s a more advanced topic, but right here, all we need to do. You see where it has this workflow icon? So, what we’re going to do is we’re going to hit “Edit” on this. What we need to do is we’re going to unpause it, first of all, but then we’re also going to add the URL of our blog feed. And so, we’re doing https in my case, right where I was using n7ler.com/feed. Okay? What is going on there? That’s the RSS feed. Really Simple Syndication is what that stands for, in case you’re interested. That’s the RSS feed for that blog. So, any post that’s put onto the DN7LAR blog, it’s going to appear in the RSS feed and the process flow is going to periodically reread that feed, looking for new material, and then it’s going to send it along a workflow, which we’ll talk about later. We don’t need to really dwell on it right now. We just want to make sure that your setup is correct.
It’s going to take whatever you’ve posted on your blog and it’s going to put it on social media wherever you designate. Alright? So, I’ve put that in there. Now, if you scroll on over here, you can find—oh, wait, no, the test. I’m sorry. I’m in the wrong place here. If you just press the “Test” button, it’s going to go verify and show you a checkmark that yes, it works. Okay? That’s all we want to do. We want to make sure that we have our root domain slash feed. There are some other more advanced things you can do with this, but that’s for another day. Right now, this is what you should be doing as you first start out. As soon as we have this in there and we’ve unchecked “Pause,” then we just hit the “Save” button, and we’re done with that. Okay? So, at this point, we’re ready to go update social and start doing our actual content plan and a bunch of other things after that.”