Category : Setup

“With Google Site Kit, which is pre-installed on your InstaBlog, setting up Google Analytics is incredibly straightforward. It’s so simple that it almost doesn’t require a video, but I’ll make one anyway just to cover the topic. So, you click on Site Kit in the left-hand menu, then connect as part of your setup and ..

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“Once we’ve set up our content plan and our schedule for posting content on our blog, the next decision we have to make is how often we want to amplify our content on social media. How many times a week or day do you want to post new material to your Facebook page? The place ..

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“At some point, we are probably going to want to make money with our blog. And one really good way to do that is to run either affiliate ads or space ads or something to find some way to monetize your site. You’re going to make offers on your site somewhere. So there are several ..

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“Corrected Transcript: Okay. As you’ll recall, the structure of our advertising funnel is as follows: Awareness is our cold target, which includes people who have never been to our page or our site. Engagement is for people who have been to our Facebook page but not our site. And then Traffic is for people who ..

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“Corrected Transcript: Yeah, okay. Now that we have our Facebook headset set up and configured, a funnel structured, and our venues edited, everything is hunky-dory. Now we need to do a little bit of arithmetic about ad schedules, ad costs, and budgets. So let’s work through this. Let’s go back and start with the content ..

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“Okay, now that you’ve seen an overview and a brief introduction to Ad Inserter, let’s look at a real test case. One that’s got some underlying mechanics under the hood. It’s some very cool stuff, but in this one, we’re just going to cover the basics. Here you’ll see Fit Living. It’s obviously fitness for ..

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“Corrected Transcript: Now that we have our content plan put together, we have to decide how often we’re going to run it, how many pieces of content we are going to build every day, and post to our blog. We’re going to do that on the Kanban boards for skyscraper creation. From our content agent, ..

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“Corrected Transcript: Okay, so the very first part of building a content plan is to be clear about your target audience, clear about who you’re talking to. Who do you want to attract? Who are your prospects? The best prospects. And it’s not okay to just say, “Well, everybody, everybody will buy my stuff, is ..

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“Corrected Transcript: Okay, so in our last episode, we had just finished building our avatar for a self-development blog. Then I went ahead and saved and came back out. You wouldn’t have to do that; obviously, you can stay in there and do the entire piece. I just did that to give nice, clear demarcations ..

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