Authorizing Facebook


“Corrected Transcript:
One of the critical aspects of content marketing is to recognize that you need to be everywhere. You need to be on social platforms for a variety of reasons. If we go into our credentials, you’ll see that I’ve already set up a blog for me to post content to. What I haven’t done yet is to set up social channels where that content can be amplified or promoted in order to drive engagement metrics and activate search. This is the non-promoted persona as opposed to the promoted persona. Here we have just the organic posting to the page as opposed to posting to ad sets.

What we have here is a red bang indicating this needs to be set up. We have three links here: rename, which doesn’t really matter; delete, which we don’t want to do; and reauthorize, which is what we want to hit. When we do that, we’re going to go through the OAuth 2 handshake process with Facebook in order to authorize ResultFlow to talk to your Facebook account. If you’re already logged in, all you’re going to see is a flash and then it comes back again. But since I intentionally logged out for this video, now I have to log in and it’s going to take me through that process. You come back again and notice the red bang has disappeared, indicating that authorization was successful.

Now we’re not quite done yet because we have to also select the page that we want ResultFlow to talk to for this particular persona. In my own apps, I have dozens of different pages and personas to match. Each one of them is connected to a different page, and you will have that as well if you upgrade above solo. So here, now it’s authorized. The next thing I could do is deauthorize if I just want to disconnect, but I don’t want to do that. I want to hit setup and on setup, now I will be able to select which Facebook page that I have access to do I actually want to post to for this persona. Given it’s dev one, I would actually want that to be connected to Development Number One, which is my self-development persona.

Okay, I’ve selected that. Now, the other thing is, there’s a shortcut here that you can use once you’ve done that setup. So if you’ve selected a page, you can actually hit that doorway. It works just like the blog persona, if you recall that. You can hit that and it will take you directly to that page. That’s just a convenience item, not terribly important in the operation of ResultFlow, just a convenience for you.

So that’s it. The other personas, LinkedIn and Twitter, are all either OAuth 1 or OAuth 2 depending. They’re going to work very much the same way. When you authorize them, they’re going to have an opportunity to connect them to a particular account or page, and that sets you up. In the next step, we’ll actually go configure venues, which we’ll talk about next.”