“To create a new Insta blog in your persona, use the hamburger menu to go to the credentials tab. You’ll find the blog here. A red bang indicates that it’s not been credentialed properly. Press edit. Now, when you first start out, there will be this placeholder here if you wanted to actually use your own hosting. You can do that. That’s covered separately, elsewhere in this help. For right now, what we’re going to do is we’re going to erase that placeholder and we’re going to select “Host it for me,” and then hit the create button. What this does is go out and spin up a brand new WordPress app. It will include our premium theme, and it’s going to create a domain name at our own hosting, just as a placeholder until you plug in your vanity domain, which we’ll cover separately. It does take about 30 seconds, so this is completely normal. And once it comes back, you’ll see it’s got a silly name here, which is just a place to get to it now, just because of when things get saved. When you close first, you’ll see that the red bang is gone. In order to get to this blog, you have two doorways right here. This one leads to the front page of the site, so you’ll see what the empty Insta blog looks like. This one logs you into your admin area in the blog, and you have full admin support. When you get ready to put in your own vanity domain, you’ll have to use this IP address here to point at our Insta Blog hosting environment, and then plug in your vanity domain and hit update a second time, and that will resolve everything to your new Insta blog.”