content plan part4


“Corrected Transcript:

Okay, so here we are in Content Agent, again, continuing with this example of self-development for men in their careers. So we have our avatar. We created topics. I did six. And so now it’s time to generate titles. This is the number of titles to generate per topic. We’ve selected a default of five, which is just a number; it’s not a recommendation, it just fills the box. That’s going to end up creating 30 total. Now, that’s not big enough for a real blog; you’re going to need more than 30 posts, but let’s do five. So I’ll show you how it works, and then we’re going to do it again with a larger number. And so, if I just say generate titles, this has a very long timeout delay that’s accepted by the server. You can do as much as 10 minutes. I’ve done three and 400 different titles before. You do have to walk away and refill your coffee. You don’t have to, but you’re going to be bored sitting there looking at it. This will go pretty quick because it’s only doing 30, right? But to do it for real, you’ll want to let it run quite a bit. Okay? There we go. Now, all of this is editable. I encourage you not to edit the topic though, because then it gets messy once you try to actually move things into the result flow. So the time to edit the topic is over on the topic page. Do it there. Don’t do it here after you’ve generated titles. That’s my recommendation.

So that’s great. And you can look at them and you can edit them here if you want to, but frankly, it’s going to be way easier to edit them once you get over to result flow. But in any event, that’s fine. Finish MasterStream anyway, you know, I mean, it didn’t look bad to me. I don’t typically spend a lot of time fiddling with these either. I mostly just accept what comes out. And so I’m going to hit keep on that just to make sure I have it because if you navigate away from the page, it’s gone. It’s ephemeral. So now we have titles, we have our avatar, we’ve actually saved it. So result flow in the mission property, and the persona already has the avatar text stored there. So we could actually run content on demand. We could run titles through COD and then start building posts. All we have to do is get these titles into result flow. Well, we have a scheme for that.

So let’s see. I cached it. Okay, good. Let’s go to orders. Now, two things here. So one, these are the topics that we generated. The titles aren’t shown. All the titles within a particular topic are lumped together. And then over here, what we have is the names of the feeds in Result Flow. And you’ll notice that we’ve got three of them, if you’ll remember, we’ll go back and look at it here in just a moment. But Amplify Blog Posts, remember, that’s the automated path from your blog back into result flow for social amplification or promotion. Curated Sources are just a placeholder for you to bookmark stuff that’s a different topic. We don’t need to go into that right now, but that’s something you can look up in the knowledge base. And then Content Agent Titles is the placeholder where you would copy from the content agent into result flow in order to then submit those to COD.

So let’s take a look at that, using that one folder. And then I’m also going to show you a different way to accomplish that. So if we go back into result flow, pardon me, and look at the feed folders in our self-development project. So there are those seed folders. Now there’s a workflow running on this one because that’s how blog posts get amplified and promoted out to social media. These others don’t have a workflow; they’re just folders you can do with them whatever you want to do. The names of these are only suggestive of their intended purpose. It doesn’t limit you in any way.

We could just dump all of the titles we created for all the different topics into Content Agent Titles, just one big bunch of them. In this particular case, it’s not that big a bunch. It’s only 30, right? But for a real blog, I’d be more interested in doing more than 200, 300, 400, something like that as a number of titles. So that’s going to be a lot of them. And they’re all going to be just one after the other. So it’s going to be in this order, in fact, leadership development. So let’s say I have 50 of each, okay, so a total of 300. Then there’ll be 50 of those, and 50 of these, and 50 of those, and so on. And so if I just run them in order, what’s going to happen is as I fill up my blog, I’m going to fill up first with 50 leadership posts and then 50 financial posts, and then 50 career posts, right? Well, I probably don’t want to do it that way. You know, I probably want to have a little bit in each of those and then sequence it. So I may have like, well, let’s say I’m posting six days a week and I make Monday’s Leadership and Tuesday’s Financial. And you get the idea, just so that you have some variety happening on the blog as you’re building it out.

Okay, well, how do I accomplish that? The easiest way is to use a set of folders, one for each topic, and then you can either manually or with an automated workflow, I’ll show you both ways, you would then move items from one of those folders into COD. And so you might move two or three of these, two or three of those, two or three of the next one so that you’ve got some variety in what you’re posting to your blog.

So how do we do that? Well, pretty simple. So we have leadership, financial, and career as the first ones, right? Whoops, I went the wrong direction. How about that? So let’s just create folders, and we’re not going to do anything much with them. We just need to have places to separate our topics. And what was the other one? Career, I think was one of them. Let’s go back and look. And one of these days it’ll create this for you, but I haven’t done that yet. Personal wellness and relationship, and it doesn’t really matter what you call them, but just to keep them organized. And relationship there, okay? So, and then, you know, instead of, I mean, now I’ve just left that one alone. It’s like I could have renamed it and not had to create one. So, but whatever doesn’t matter.

Okay? Now let’s go back here to, and it’s like, well, wait a minute. Where, where, yeah, of course, right? I mean, it only notices when it first loads, and so I don’t think you can even find it, figure it out this way. No. Oh, there it is. Okay. So it just refreshes a list of folders whenever you navigate onto the orders page. Okay? So now what I have is I can do for leadership development, instead of putting it there, I want to put it in leadership and in financial, I want to put it in finance, et cetera. Now, if you don’t want to load it all, let’s say that, well, I’m not going to deal with the relationship right now. I’m going to do that later. Well, just hit the X mark and it’ll go away. If you change your mind about that, that’s fine too. You can come in here and change it. So whichever one of these is filled in is going to get transferred into Result Flow when I hit submit. Well, I don’t really want to do all these. I’m not going to use them all because there’s only 30 titles here, which is not enough for a real blog anyway, so I’m just going to do the one just so that we have something to work with, right? So there’s leadership and I’ll hit Submit and orders are submitted.

Now because I did make some changes, I want to go back here to home and I want to save just to make sure I don’t lose any work. And we come over here into Result Flow. I went the wrong way again, or here Result Flow, let’s see, which one did we do? Leadership, right? Okay, so there they are. Now, if we go back to our dashboard, remember, content agent, I mean, that’s actually, we can go look and see which folder that is. That was the titles over there in the feed. Well, of course, that’s not the one we’re looking at. So I have a couple of different choices. The one I could use, I could just go into here and explore a view and where’s oh, oh, oh for a feed, sorry, wow. And leadership. And I say, okay, well let me just start a couple of those. And this is what we did in Get Your Feet Wet. Remember? All we did was move things into the skyscraper workflow. So I could just take one or more of those things and just move them into content on demand skyscraper. And that’s an easy way to do it. If you’re going to do only a few. If I wanted to do all of these in a particular folder, I can select all of them and then I can move them to the content on demand workflow. And so that’s easy for a small number for as you get into higher and higher scale, you’re going to want to add automation here. And for that, we’re going to do that in a different episode, a different video, but it involves adding a workflow rule on the folder and telling it how often and how many you want to move into the COD factory. Very straightforward to do. Not going to cover it right now. I don’t want this to get too long, but you can see already we’ve got all the way out of Content Agent. We now have titles in Result Flow, and we can move those into the content factory, and then they go into the blog scheduler onto the blog, and so it goes.

So for that, let’s see, actually let’s cover one more thing. And that is your COD balance. So let’s go back up to the homepage and then select my profile. And you’ll see right here, there’s a balance and that dollar sign is not supposed to be there. It’ll go away here in a little bit, but this is 50 credits. And so those credits, you pre-purchase credits in order to spend on COD. And before you get too crazy about submitting 50 or a hundred posts to COD, you want to make sure that you’ve funded it. Now, if you don’t, what’ll happen is they will sit here in the unfunded orders count until such time as you either cancel them or you fund the orders by buying more COD credits. You can see the samples and prices for all different types of content on demand right there. And you can also purchase in either units of 50 credits all the way up to like 10,000 credits. Obviously, the more you purchase at once, the better discount you get. Okay? That is it for the content plan. Next up, what we’re going to do, and you could start running content immediately, by the way, I would encourage you to. Now it only takes like 15 minutes for content to pop out, but why wait? Just go ahead and get content ready while you do the rest of your business setup. Next on our list is going to be designing, right? So figuring out the different graphics you need, what their sizes are, making sure that they kind of play well together so that you have a consistent look and feel across your blog and your social platforms. And then also as part and parcel with that is to go through the step-by-step process of styling your Insta blog. And we have it crafted to, you know, I think it’s 30 some odd steps, but each one of them is about 30 seconds each. So really straightforward to do that. So that’ll be next on our list to do.”