“Corrected Transcript:
Okay, so at this point, we’ve done an end-to-end introduction to get your feet wet. We’ve put together a blog and pointed your A records to the blog, so the blog is now accessible at your domain name. We’ve also set up and connected Facebook, Twitter, and possibly LinkedIn as well. So, where do we go from here? Well, the next step in the most logical order is to come up with your content plan. This is before we actually design your brand. Before you can put together a logo, you want to think through questions like: What’s my avatar? Who am I talking to? What does my brand actually stand for? We’re not talking about doing marketing for a company like Nike here, but you want to at least think it through a little bit, right?
From here on out, through the next few steps, we’ve got to come up with a content plan, start producing that content, and then we can build out and style our blog and our social platforms. Finally, we’ll hook up some technical stuff like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and the Facebook Pixel. I’m intentionally leaving that stuff for last because nobody likes that stuff. You’d much rather get all the fun stuff done first. And honestly, it won’t take you that long to do the technical stuff. It just sounds scary, but I’m going to walk you through it step by step. So that’s what lies ahead right now. Let’s do the fun part of figuring out who we’re marketing to and how we’re going to do that. Our primary tool for that is going to be the Content Agent.
Now, Content Agent is a suite of AI tools and special prompts I’ve put together through experimental trial and error in order to build out an avatar, the topics that you should address for that avatar, and then the titles to write about within each of those topical areas. We’re going to cover all that one step at a time. I’m going to try to do it in bite-sized videos along the way, starting with the simplest thing of all. Remember when we did our introductory tour? We started with an existing Content Agent avatar, which was “Beatles Outlet.” Okay, well, we don’t really need that. There’s no sense in actually retaining that. It’s not going to be very helpful to us. So we can just literally delete it.
When you’re looking at Content Agent, all of the information that’s being presented and manipulated is actually stored in ResultFlow. ResultFlow is essentially the database for Content Agent. There are two things in ResultFlow that come about because of Content Agent. One is the file right here, Content Agent. Don’t rename that; you’ll make a mess. The other thing, if you go to the dashboard properties, you’ll find that the finished avatar is stored in the mission parameter. This is necessary because when you build skyscrapers, let’s review that, right? We built a skyscraper, put it in the blog scheduler, and then manually moved it onto the blog. Well, these titles that come out of Content Agent are blank. There’s nothing in them. How would the AI, or the content factory, know what to write about? It knows that by looking at the mission parameter in the persona.
So just bear that in mind. Now, we don’t want to be doing a blog about a Beatles outlet. The only reason I did that is because it was a cool domain name I bought about 12 years ago. So let’s do this. First, let’s get rid of all this Beatles stuff to make room for your real content. Just follow along here. On my dashboard, remember I have these three Kanban boards. You can read about that later in the help section. What I’m going to do here is click the folder icon, which will open up a new window. That’s the content of that Kanban board. Now, I’m going to select documents, then selected items, delete, and confirm the deletion. Now, when I close this window and refresh the page, it’s all gone. Remember, we already went out to the blog and deleted it there, so we can ignore that. It doesn’t matter. You can delete it just like I did here if you really want to. Same way, in fact, why not? Let’s do that. We click the folder, delete the item, confirm, and then refresh our Kanban board. There we are.
Now, what about our Content Agent file? We can just override everything, but if you want to start with a clean slate anyway, because none of this is going to be reusable, let’s just go ahead and delete that too. So now we’ve done some cleanup. We’re back to square one, ready to start from scratch in defining a new avatar, creating topics around that avatar, and then creating titles for each of those topics. Then we’re going to want to load those titles into ResultFlow so we can run them through the content creation process to create content for our blog. We’re going to do those in just about exactly those same steps, starting next.”