“Cleaned Transcript:
Continue with our discussion of personas and how to set those up for content marketing. We’ve talked about the dashboard, feeds, and venues, and we touched on credentials to ensure that we have a result flow connected to our different social marketing platforms. Now, the next thing we need to do is go into the detail of how content actually gets posted and what content gets posted onto those platforms, and that’s where venues come in. Credentials are the permissions required or associated with posting to a venue. The venue provides the details of where things are posted in terms of specifics.
First of all, let’s briefly cover a blog. In general, you don’t have to modify this at all, but just to cover it. In the blog venue, it indicates that anything I post is going to be published, as opposed to if you uncheck it, then it’s a draft. By default, it’s going to post to a category named “Features.” Almost always, your workflow is going to override that to post to a particular category based on what you’ve selected within the workflow.
Similarly, if we look at the organic Facebook venue, by calling it “Facebook Page,” what we mean is it goes to the page, it’s posted to your page, and people will find it organically just from their newsfeed. If we hit edit here, we find that the Facebook channel is authorized and selected, and that we’ve had a Facebook page, which we selected during the setup, on the credential. Please see that video if you haven’t seen it, and note that the Facebook page is listed as number one. For the organic Facebook posting scenario, you don’t really have to do anything here. The venue is already set up at the point in time that you set up the credential.
For Facebook ads, it’s more complicated than that. There will be actually three different venues for the different audiences that you can promote to, and you will want to go through and select those, but we’ll cover that in a different video.”