“Here we are in a brand new instance of ResultFlow. And again, everybody gets their own app. From here, you definitely want to review the help text before you move forward. The very first thing you want to do after that is to create a persona. There are two things you can do here, but only one thing makes sense at first, and that is to import one of our prebuilt personas. You’re going to name that—you can change it later—but it’ll be something about the project you want to create. So, for example, something like “Self Development,” let’s say, and you’re going to choose one of these. As it stands right now, there are only two; there may be more later, but this is going to be one of the pre-built workflow templates that we’ve provided you. We’ll talk about what your choices might be later. But in order to import one of them, all you do is select it and then hit the “OK” button. What that’s going to do is it’s going to load that prebuilt template into your copy of ResultFlow. Then from here, we’re going to go into the details about each of the various pages in that prebuilt template and what you do with them.”