

“Here we are on the dashboard for a brand new persona. There’s nothing showing in the Kanban board statuses because there’s nothing happening yet, and there are no tasks for us. Let’s look at the hamburger menu and see what we have here. I’ll scroll through these and explain them briefly, and then we’ll go into a deep dive in separate videos on each one of them. So, the dashboard, this is where we are right now, and this is going to show your task list and your Kanban boards for the different workflow processes. Within that, the persona task is going to be an expanded view of the task list that you have. These are primarily going to be workflow tasks, your assigned manual tasks, or they’re going to be error tasks that indicate something is wrong. Feeds are documents, content coming into your persona. Venues are where your output, your published output, goes out into things like WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Credentials is just a central location to hold the various credentials such as permissions, like your WordPress password, your OAuth to interchange with social platforms to allow Resolflow to post to them on your behalf. Things of that nature. Team, at small business and above, you can invite team members to come in at reduced permissions in order to help you with your business. Explorer is an explorer view. It’s just like what you would find on your PC or Macintosh. Templates are special kinds of things for tasks and scripting and that kind of thing. It’s an advanced topic we’ll cover later. Filters, very much the same properties or characteristics of this persona. So things like the Google Analytics UTM codes that are being used and things of that nature. Content Agent, which we’ll get to later, is the AI system that allows you to rapidly refine your avatar, derive topics, and build titles for use in our content on demand or other services. And again, that’s a topic for later.”